Laboratorium Komputerowe Progmar
Marcin Załęczny

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Docker use cases

Docker installation in Ubuntu: sudo apt install

Assigns user of name username to docker group, allowing to run Docker to him: sudo usermod -a -G docker username

Lists available (installed) Docker images/programms: docker images

Installs specified (here busybox) Docker image/program on local machine: docker pull busybox

Runs installed program with passing command line parameters to it: docker run busybox echo "Hello world!"

Lists running containers: docker ps

Lists all containers that are currently running or was executed previously - including stopped ones: docker ps -a

Removes specified stopped container (of EXITED status, should be done successively because the containers grab disk space): docker rm 85e291ad47ec

Removes all containers of status EXITED: docker rm $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited)

The same as command above but works on the latest versions of Docker: docker container prune

Removes all containers: docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Removes all images: docker rmi $(docker images -q -)

Removes all containers that exited with status different than 0: docker rm $(docker ps -a -q --filter 'exited!=0')

Removes all untagged images: docker rmi $(docker images -q -f "dangling=true")

Removes image of installed application (here busybox): docker rmi busybox

Builds Docker image basing on the Dockerfile file in current directory: docker build -t example/docker-node-hello:latest .

Runs image of name example/docker-node-hello:latest in the background(-d option) with container's port 8080 mapped to 8080 port of host machine: docker run -d -p 8080:8080 example/docker-node-hello:latest

The command works as above but additionally sets WHO environment variable: docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e WHO="Marcin Zaleczny" example/docker-node-hello:latest

Stops conatiner of specified ID: docker stop CONTAINER_ID

Logs in the Docker Hub's registry (there is created ~/.docker/config.json file that contains credentials): docker login

Logs out from the Docker Hub's registry (the ~/.docker/config.json file is removed): docker logout

Logs in to alternative Docker registry: docker login

Lists installed images according to specified format: docker images --format="table {{.ID}}\t {{.Repository}}"

Send image to Docker repository: docker push progmar/program-name

Creates container of specified name (mycontainer-customname) basing on specified image (ubuntu:latest): docker create --name="mycontainer-customname" ubuntu:latest

Runs program in the background and sets its label of name deployer: docker run -d -l deployer=mzaleczny -p 8080:8080 -t example/docker-node-hello:latest

Lists all containers with label of name deployer set to mzaleczny value: docker ps -a -f label=deployer=mzaleczny

Lists all labels and parameters within specified conatiner: docker inspect CONTAINER_ID

Runs specified program with instructing Docker to removes its container after program exited (--rm option): docker run -d --rm -p 8080:8080 -t example/docker-node-hello:latest

[1] Runs container with /bin/bash program making Docker to create pseudo-TTY (-t option) and start interactive session (-i option): docker run --rm -ti ubuntu:latest /bin/bash

Works as [1] but additionally sets hostname in the container: docker run --rm -ti --hostname="" ubuntu:latest /bin/bash

Works as [1] but additionally sets dns settings in the container: docker run --rm -ti --dns= --dns= ubuntu:latest /bin/bash

Works as [1] but additionally sets network adapter mac address in the container: docker run --rm -ti --mac-address="aa:bb:cc:dd:11:22" ubuntu:latest /bin/bash

[2] Works as [1] but additionally mounts (-v option) ~ directory in host's file system to the /data/home directory in the container (directory in host's filesystem has to be existing, directory in the container doesn't - if not it will be created): docker run --rm -ti -v ~:/data/home ubuntu:latest /bin/bash

[3] Works as [2] but host's directory is mounted as read-only. The writes can be applied only to container's /data/home directory: docker run --rm -ti --read-only=true -v ~:/data/home ubuntu:latest /bin/bash

Works as [3] but additionally mounts host's /tmp directory as tmpfs filesystem in the container. The files can be created in the tmpfs filesystem but is volatile - it will be cleaned after container stops: docker run --rm -ti --read-only=true --tmpfs /tmp:rw,noexec,nodev,nosuid,size=256M -v ~:/data/home ubuntu:latest /bin/bash

Displays useul information about Docker installation: docker info

Runs application with assigning max 512MB of memory (-m) and max 256MB of swap space to it (512MB + 256MB = 768MB, value of -1 will turns out swap space): docker run --rm -ti -m 512m --memory-swap 768m progrium/stress

Runs application and restricts it only to first cpu core (--cpuset=0) and to 512 cpu shares (half of cpu power - 1024 cpu shares means full cpu power): docker run --rm -ti --cpu-shares 512 --cpuset=0 progrium/stress

Stops specified container with SIGTERM signal. If container will not stop, then after 25 seconds the container will be applied with SIGKILL signal what will definitively kill the container: docker stop -t 25 CONTAINER_ID

Kills specified conatainer: docker kill CONTAINER_ID

Sends USR1 signal to the container: docker kill --signal=USR1 CONTAINER_ID

Pauses/Reruns specified container: docker pasue CONTAINER_ID
docker unpause CONTAINER_ID

Prints Docker's version: docker --version

Prints Docker's version (client and server) and libraries, APIs and programs used by it: docker version

Prints details about Docker and the computer that it is runned on : docker info

Attaching to the command line of the specified container being running: docker exec -t -i CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash

Gets PID of process being running: docker inspect --format \{{.State.Pid\}} 7ee7bc570efd

Attaching with the nsenter command to the shell of specified PID (the PID assigned to the shell within the container): sudo nsenter --target 8166 --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid

Lists volumes mounted in Docker's root directory: docker volume ls

Displays information about specified volume: docker volume inspect VOLUME_NAME

Displays continously (aka tail -f) logs for specified conatiner: docker logs -f CONTAINER_ID

Displays stats of specified containers: docker stats CONTAINER_1_ID CONTAINER_2_ID ...

Displays continously events that was fired in the Docker (ex. starting program/container, stopping it, etc): docker events

Lists processes running in the container: docker top CONTAINER_ID

Sets storage driver to the devicemapper: docker daemon --storage-driver=devicemapper

Lists all containers with full ID (not the one truncated): docker ps -a --no-trunc

Builds two different Docker images hello1 and hello2 from the same Dockerfile file: docker build -t hello1 .
docker build -t hello2 .

Runs program/container with privilege to set network adapter mac address: docker run -ti --rm --cap-add=NET_ADMIN ubuntu /bin/bash

The specified container's privilege can be dropped thanks to --cap-drop option of docker run command.