Standard way for installing NVIDIA GTX GeForce drivers failed for me. I tried to install the latest ones
(nvidia-375 and nvidia-378) and the older either. But they did not work. That is why I tried to install
official drivers downloaded from NVIDIA website. The installation went seamlessly and finished successfull.
And what even more important they work great.
Below there is a step by step instruction how to make NVIDIA graphic cards work fine with full 3D acceleration
thanks to producer's native drivers:
sudo lshw -numeric -C display
sudo lspci -vnn | grep VGA
sudo apt purge nvidia*
sudo apt autoremove
Product Type: GeForce
Product Series: your graphic card series (ex. GeForce 960 Series)
Product: your graphic card name (ex. GeForce GTX 960)
Operating system: Show All Operating Systems and next select: Linux64-bit
Click Search button.
sudo systemctl stop lightdm
Next go to the directory where you downloaded driver installator file (*.run) and enter:
chmod 755
sudo ./
How to uninstall default Nouveau graphic card driver (advise against to do that):
sudo apt-get --purge remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau