Assume following program hello.cpp:
#include <libintl.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define _(STRING) gettext(STRING)
int main(void)
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
bindtextdomain("hello", "./locale");
printf("%s\n", _("Hello, world!"));
return 0;
In the code above inserted includes must be for gettext to work.
Line with define keyword is for shortage usage of gettext:
we can write _("Text to translate") instead of gettext("Text to translate").
At the very beginning of the program we call following functions
to initialise gettext:
* setlocale for setting proper language (in the example it is system default)
* bindtextdomain it points to the files with translated strings
* textdomain it reads translation into program's memory
After requirements above we write all strings to be translated with _("string") notation.
xgettext -d hello -s -o hello.pot hello.cpp -k_
Gets from hello.cpp file all strings inside gettext("")/_("") statements
and produce hello.pot file with gettext syntax that contain header tags such
as package version, revision date, translator's name, language and charset.
Parameter -s makes all texts to be sorted and after parameter
-d we pass domain name the same as in bindtextdomain call.
Parameter -k means that function gettext is available
with _ macrodefinition.
At the moment we must replace CHARSET tag by proper encoding (ex. UTF-8
defaulted in Ubuntu and other Linux systems) and PACKAGE VERSION tag replace by
version number of the translation in generated hello.pot file.
msginit -l pl_PL -o hello.po -i hello.pot
It firstly asks for the email of the translator and next
generates file for proper destination language (here pl_PL). We operate on the file
to translate all strings after msgid keywords. It is done by filling
up lines following (after msgstr keyword).
msgfmt -c -v -o hello.po
Compiles translation file (hello.po) to binary format that can be
understand by the program. Generated file we must copy to
the ./locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES.
And now running program should output translated string.