Prints information about package's state and its short description:
rpm -qpi package_name
Displays files in the package:
rpm -qpl package_name
Prints installation and uninstallation scripts in the specified package:
rpm -qp --scripts package_name
Verification of the credentials' information:
rpm --checksig package_name
Displays list of the required packages and theirs versions for the specified package:
rpm -qp --requires package_name
Displays list of all installed packages:
rpm -qa
Displays a package which specifed file belongs to:
rpm -qf file_name
Displays version number of currently installed package (specified without version number and architecture):
rpm -q basic_package_name
for instance:
rpm -q zip
Extracts specified rpm package to the current directory:
rpm2cpio package_name.rpm | cpio -id --no-absolute-filenames